The Best Treatments For Tooth Sensitivity – Midland Bay Dental Blog

The Best Treatments For Tooth Sensitivity – Midland Bay Dental Blog

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The Best Treatments For Tooth Sensitivity

Did you know that experiencing pain when consuming cold food and cold drinks is not the only symptom of tooth sensitivity? Teeth that become exposed to hot, acidic, or sweet foods can trigger a sudden sharp pain. Even if the tooth pain does not last long, it is still a frustrating condition. Numerous things can cause tooth sensitivity, but it’s typically related to your tooth enamel or the gum line. If the enamel becomes worn or your gum line is receding, this could lead to the dentin becoming exposed. The dentin is linked to the nerves in your teeth, and the nerves can react painfully to sweet, hot, or cold substances. 

There are many different factors that could be contributing to enamel reduction and causing your sensitive teeth. Some of these factors include gingivitis, periodontal disease, cracked teeth, teeth grinding, acidic foods or mouthwash, aggressive brushing, and over-the-counter teeth whitening kits. -, the following information and tips for how to deal with sensitivity at home, through lifestyle changes, and in-office treatments, will help you minimize your sensitivity.

At Home

One of the best ways to prevent tooth sensitivity is by practicing good oral hygiene. Brush for the recommended 2-minute duration, use a soft-bristled toothbrush, floss, and use mouthwash. Choose a mouth rinse that contains sodium fluoride, an anti-cavity agent that can sanitize your mouth. A softer-bristled toothbrush and desensitizing toothpaste can help minimize the pain you are experiencing. Desensitizing toothpaste assists with blocking the transmission of sensation from your tooth surface to the nerve. Several applications are typically needed before you will notice a difference! Finally, you can talk to your dentist about potentially wearing a mouth guard to prevent teeth grinding while you are sleeping. Teeth grinding can eventually damage your teeth and can result in increased sensitivity.

Lifestyle When You Have Tooth Sensitivity

It is not practical to eliminate all acidic foods and beverages from your diet but, if you can attempt to curb your consumption of them as much as possible, you might be able to reduce tooth sensitivity. Drink soda and wine through a straw to limit their contact with your teeth. Consuming water after an acidic food or beverage can also help to reduce the level of acid in your mouth.


In-office dental treatments may help minimize your tooth sensitivity. If the root cause of your tooth sensitivity is a case of severe tooth decay, bonding, inlays, or crowns may be necessary to protect the nerve underneath. Treating exposed root surfaces can help minimize sensitivity. Another method of protecting severely exposed root surfaces is undergoing a gum graft, which is typically done by a periodontist. Finally, if your pain is so severe that it will not improve from any other treatment, your dentist may suggest a root canal. A root canal is one of the most successful methods of treatment for eliminating sensitivity.

The Bottom Line of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can be prevented by attending regular cleanings and check-ups. Your dentist can catch cavities in their early stages and inspect your teeth to ensure existing fillings, gum recession or dental work are not contributing to your sensitive teeth. While experiencing sensitivity is not normally considered a dental emergency, talk to your dentist to determine the cause and form a treatment plan. If you are experiencing severe, lasting pain, you should consult a dentist immediately.

At Midland Bay Dental, Dr. Ranny Sidhu and our team of dental professionals are here to help answer all of your questions and alleviate your tooth sensitivity! If you would like to schedule a cleaning or a consultation, call us at 705- 526-6441 or book an appointment on our website

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