Braces vs. Invisalign Clear Aligners – The Pros & Cons

Braces vs. Invisalign Clear Aligners – The Pros & Cons

Braces vs. Invisalign


Braces vs. Invisalign

Deciding between braces vs. Invisalign clear aligners can be a difficult choice. Both are great options with varying pros and cons. Depending on the type of dental issues you are looking to correct, one may be better than the other. Before you search “best cosmetic dentist near me”, it’s important to get to know your options. This blog will outline the various pros and cons for both braces and Invisalign to help you get a better understanding of which option may be right for you. However, it is always recommended to speak to your dentist and get their opinion before deciding which route to go down.

The Difference Between Braces vs. Invisalign Clear Aligners

The main difference between braces vs. Invisalign is that braces are permanently attached for a set period of time, while the Invisalign aligners can be removed at any point throughout the day. Both options have a similar price point, however, the cost will also depend on the length of wear time and any additional devices that may need to be used.

Braces – The Pros

Braces are an extremely effective way to fix a variety of dental issues, from misalignment to overbites and underbites. Due to the fact that they are permanently attached for a set period of time, braces can correct dental issues in a shorter period of time. With properly aligned teeth there won’t be any additional nooks and crannies for food to get stuck and grow harmful bacteria. Many people also notice an increase in self-esteem after having braces, feeling more confident when talking or showing off their beautiful smile.

Braces – The Cons

Although there are many advantages to braces, there are also a few cons that should be considered. There is the possibility of complications such as canker sores, cavities, and soft tissue injuries. It is also possible that you may need to schedule an emergency visit if a wire breaks off or a metal bracket falls off. More care also has to be put into oral hygiene as food can get easily stuck between the braces, leading to bacterial growth and cavities. Your diet may also have to change, as it is highly recommended to avoid crunchy and hard foods. Another slight disadvantage that you may want to consider is the possibility of having to wear a retainer after the braces are taken off. It’s also possible that if the retainer isn’t worn as recommended, you may need to get braces put back on.

Invisalign – The Pros

Invisalign can be a great option for adults who want to fix their smile in a less noticeable way. Invisalign has many of the same advantages as braces such as improving overall oral health, fixing tooth alignment issues, and increasing self-esteem. However, it also comes with a few additional benefits. Invisalign is easy to clean and, typically, won’t require regular or emergency visits. It is also more comfortable than braces, but some pain is normal especially when first starting out or switching to the next aligner. Your diet will not have to change much either, however it is recommended to avoid crunchy and hard foods in the beginning as there may be some soreness.

Invisalign – The Cons

As with braces, there are a few disadvantages that you may want to consider before choosing Invisalign. Although it is a great option for correcting misalignment, it is not as effective for more serious issues such as large gaps or overly rotated teeth. Invisalign also requires discipline as it must be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day, although it may be tempting to take it out when you start feeling pain or discomfort. However, it must be removed each time you’re eating or drinking to prevent food from getting stuck in the aligner and causing bacterial buildup. If you are considering Invisalign for your teenager, it’s important to keep in mind how responsible they will be with wearing it for the recommended time.

Midland Bay Dental | A Trusted Midland Family Dentistry Clinic | Braces vs. Invisalign

There is quite a lot to consider when deciding between braces vs Invisalign. Both options have their own pros and cons, as well as varying degrees of effectiveness depending on the dental issues you wish to correct. At Midland Bay Dental, our team of experts is ready to help you find the right treatment. They will also be there to guide you through the whole process and ensure you will be satisfied with your results. Contact us to book an appointment today.

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