How to Prevent Enamel Loss

How to Prevent Enamel Loss

prevent enamel loss

What is tooth enamel? Enamel is the outer surface of your teeth that is meant to protect your teeth from tooth decay. Tooth enamel is considered to be the hardest substance in your body. In fact, it is stronger than your bones! However, everyday acids that come from certain drinks and food can damage your enamel. Plaque can also produce an acid that weakens and destroys it. Unfortunately, once your enamel is gone, it’s gone for good. Wondering how to prevent enamel loss? We have a few tips!

1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

The first tip might seem obvious, but maintaining proper oral hygiene is a crucial first step to preventing enamel loss. You must brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly and use mouthwash. It’s also important to attend regular dental cleanings and check-ups to keep teeth healthy.

2.Use Fluoride to Prevent Enamel Loss

Fluoride plays a large role in maintaining the strength of your enamel. It can be found in some food and is placed in many water supply sources. Check and see if fluoride exists in your local water supply source. Fluoride protects against tooth decay and is also an important part of healthy tooth development in children. Using toothpaste and mouthwash that contains fluoride is in your best interest, but one of the best ways to treat your teeth is to have professional treatments at a dental office.

3.Eliminate Acidic Foods and Beverages

Eliminate your intake of acidic drinks and food like sodas and sugary juices. If you do ingest something acidic, rinsing your mouth with water right after consumption helps reduce the impact of the acid. Choose to use a straw when drinking soda or sugary drinks to minimize contact with your teeth. Chewing sugar-free gum can lower the amount of acid in your mouth and increase your saliva production. Wait at least one hour to brush your teeth after you have consumed acidic drinks or food. Acids soften the enamel and can make your teeth more prone to damage while brushing.

4.Prevent Enamel Loss By Preventing Physical Damage

Did you know that bruxism or grinding/clenching of the teeth can harm your enamel over time and even result in chipped teeth? If you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth during the day or suspect you may have this habit while you sleep, contact a dentist to discuss your options. Wearing a mouthguard to protect your teeth at night may be a good solution.

If you are noticing enamel loss, contact your dentist. Do not wait until your next appointment. A dentist can examine your teeth, find the source of your enamel loss, and help treat your smile. At Midland Bay Dental, Dr. Ranny Sidhu and our team of dental professionals are here to help answer all of your questions and keep your teeth clean and healthy! If you would like to schedule a cleaning or a consultation, call us at 705- 526-6441 or book an appointment on our website.

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