Here’s How We Are Adapting to Keep Staff and Patients Safe from COVID 19

Here’s How We Are Adapting to Keep Staff and Patients Safe from COVID 19

Here's How We Are Adapting to COVID 19

It seems so long ago that we switched our operations to emergency and urgent care only. Now, however, we are delighted to reopen our office without restrictions. As expected, we have made some changes to our operating procedure and to the office itself. Here are some of the things we are doing to protect patients and staff from COVID 19. 

Making Appointments

Please phone us to make an appointment rather than dropping in to see us in the office. When you call, we will ask you a few screening questions and will attempt to determine what type of treatment you need.  

We are staggering appointment times to minimize the number of patients and staff in the office at any one time. Therefore we may not be able to offer you as many times as usual.


Arriving at the Office During COVID 19

We ask that you arrive at the office wearing a mask covering your nose and mouth and to keep it on at all times unless we ask you to remove it. 

Sanitize your hands when you enter the office, and maintain a safe distance from staff members or other patients. We will ask you the COVID 19 screening questions and check your temperature as soon as you arrive. 

Please arrange for anyone accompanying you to wait outside of the office until your appointment is over.

During Your Appointment

As always, our staff is mandated to wash their hands, use hand sanitizer before and after treating a patient. We will all be wearing the appropriate protective equipment, including masks, eye protection and sometimes face shields and gowns. 

New PPE will be used for each patient, and the operatory will be disinfected after each patient leaves the room. 

After Your Appointment During COVID 19

We ask you to keep a safe distance from staff and other patients and to use the hand sanitizer provided before leaving the office. 

If you develop any symptoms or feel unwell within 14 days of your appointment, please let us know immediately so that we can take the appropriate steps. 

While we are excited to see you again, our first priority is keeping everyone safe. If you would like to make an appointment or have a concern about your teeth, give us a call. We are committed to managing the risks to ensure that we are able to provide the care you need.

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