Looking for an Emergency Dentist in Midland?

Emergency Dentist

The last thing you want to think about when you’re enjoying your summer break is finding an emergency dentist. If you live in Midland or find yourself on vacation in the area and need an emergency dentist, call Midland Bay Dental at (705) 526-6441 and we’ll book you in as soon as possible, or refer you to one of our area partners. Midland Bay Dental is located at 516 Elizabeth Street in the heart of Midland, Ontario.

While not every emergency dentist trip can be avoided, there are a few things you can do to ensure you enjoy your summer without needing to make an emergency dental visit. 

5 Top Causes of Emergency Dentist Visits

Here are some of the top reasons patients visit an emergency dentist, along with tips to help keep your teeth healthy:

Summer Treats Can Lead to Summer Cavities – Be Sure to Brush and Floss Daily

Summer is a time to relax. We step out of our everyday routines – go to bed a little later, and sleep in a little longer. We might go to the cottage or campsite and enjoy sticky treats like S’mores, or eat some refreshing ice cream to cool off in the summer heat.

One thing you shouldn’t relax during the summer is your regular teeth cleaning routine. The foods we eat – especially sugary sodas, sugary or sticky treats, or acidic foods like coffee and wine – can cause a build-up of “plaque” which can break down the protective enamel coating on your teeth. 

Properly brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day, and flossing in between your teeth once a day is recommended by the Canadian Dental Association – and your Midland Bay family dentist! – to remove plaque and prevent cavities.

Don’t Lose Teeth During Summer Sports – Use a Mouthguard or Mask to Protect Your Teeth

Soccer, baseball, tennis, swimming, cycling – summer conditions are perfect to get outside and play. Whether you or your children are participating in team or solo sports, there’s always a chance of injury. And sometimes that means an injury to your mouth, maybe even losing one or more teeth. 

The best way to avoid a sports injury is to always wear the proper protective gear. For some sports that means a mask to protect your face or ask your dentist about a mouthguard for your teeth.

But not all tooth injuries are avoidable. For example, a helmet won’t protect your teeth if you fall off your bike. So, if you do injure your tooth, here are some tips to help reduce the damage:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Apply gauze to the area until the bleeding stops.
  • Place an ice pack on the area to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever (if safe).

Read our blog What to Do if You Lose a Tooth? for more tips.

Decrease Your Chance of an Emergency Dentist Visit with Regular Checkups

In 2014, there were almost 61,000 visits to hospital Emergency Rooms for oral health problems. That works out to one Ontario visiting the ER every 9 minutes for dental pain (source: Alliance for Healthier Communities). In many cases, these emergency dental visits could be avoided with regular trips to the dentist.

While many see going to the family dentist as necessary for filling cavities or pulling a tooth, regular dental checkups are the most important dental service for your oral health…and overall health. During your regular checkups, your family dentist is checking the health of your gums and teeth, looking for early signs of cavities, and even the early signs of mouth or throat cancer.

While some have dental anxiety, many avoid the dentist because of cost. The good news for families is that last year the Government of Canada launched the new Canada Dental Benefit Plan to help families cover the cost of dental visits.

Schedule Your Family Dentist – or Emergency Dentist – Visit Midland Bay Dental Today!

Summertime schedules can be more relaxed – take advantage of summer downtime by booking an appointment with your family dentist at Midland Bay Dental. And don’t forget – if you need to see an emergency dentist, we’re just a phone call away – you can reach us at (705) 526-6441.

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Alliance for Healthier Communities – Information on Hospital Emergency Room Visits for Dental Problems in Ontario

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