Midland dentist, Dr. Ranny Sidhu is often asked what to do if you lose a tooth. Children, of course, have a simple option for replacing “baby teeth”. When you lose a baby tooth, a new “adult” or permanent tooth grows in.
But what happens when you lose a tooth as an adult? Today’s cosmetic dentistry offers many great options for tooth replacement – and with most of them, no one should be able to tell they are replacement teeth.
Option 1: Saving the Tooth
Before we look at cosmetic dentistry options, let’s talk about saving your original tooth. If you lose a tooth as a result of an accident or injury – and if the tooth is not broken and the root intact – there’s a possibility you can save your tooth.
Here’s some advice from a Midland dentist on how
- Take care of the tooth and don’t touch the roots – always handle it from the top and not the bottom.
- If the tooth is dirty, clean it gently – lick it clean (if safe) or run it under cold water. Make sure the water pressure is not too high – don’t forget you want to preserve those roots!
- Reinsert the tooth or store it in milk – if it’s possible, reinsert the tooth in your mouth. This will help keep the roots alive. Make sure it’s secure in the socket so you won’t swallow it by accident.
If you can’t reinsert the tooth safely, store the tooth in cold dairy milk – homogenized milk is best.
- Get to your Midland dentist immediately
If you can get to the dentist within about 15 – 30 minutes, it’s possible that your original tooth can be reinserted safely, reducing the need for any additional work, and letting you enjoy your natural tooth longer!
It’s important to note, though, that this procedure will not work if the tooth is broken, the roots are damaged, or the tooth was lost due to gum disease.
Option 2: Cosmetic Dentistry From Your Midland Dentist
Should you be unable to save the tooth, your Midland dentist can suggest many good cosmetic dentistry options for tooth replacement.
- Dental implants – dental implants replace a missing tooth or teeth with permanent artificial teeth that look so natural, no one will know the difference. Dental implants look, feel, and function just like regular teeth, which is why they’re one of the most popular choices for tooth replacement. For dental implants to be a viable cosmetic dentistry option, your gums and underlying jawbone need to be healthy.
- Crown and bridge – like dental implants, a crown and bridge is permanent and looks and feels like a natural tooth. The difference is in how you care for the replacement teeth. While you brush and floss dental implants just like natural teeth, a crown and bridge need special care when flossing. If you choose this option, your Midland dentist can show you how to care for your crown and bridge. The teeth on either side of your missing tooth or teeth need to be intact, strong, and healthy for a crown and bridge to work properly.
- Dentures – dentures are another popular cosmetic dentistry option. And today’s dentures are not the same as your grandma’s or grandpa’s. New materials and updated technology mean modern dentures are designed to look more natural and fit more comfortably than in the past. Unlike dental implants or a crown and bridge, dentures are not permanent – you remove them when you clean them, or when you’re sleeping. Dentures are the best way to replace missing teeth when the underlying jawbone or gums are damaged.
When You Lose a Tooth, Visit Your Midland Dentist
Dr. Ranny Sidhu knows that a healthy smile contributes to a healthy life. Despite its name, cosmetic dentistry is not just cosmetic. Replacing a missing tooth helps ensure your remaining teeth stay in place and don’t shift, making speaking, talking, and chewing food more natural. If you lose a tooth, don’t wait. Book a dentist’s appointment at Midland Bay Dental today to talk about options for tooth replacement.
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Colgate.com: What To Do With A Knocked-Out Tooth
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