Midland Family Dentistry: Denture Advice
While many may think that dentures are something meant strictly for the elderly, they would in fact, be wrong. Midland family dentistry offers dentures to a wide variety of people who span between many different age demographics. Oftentimes, dentures are the result of an accumulation of factors rather than a sudden change in your oral health framework.
Our teeth take a lot of damage. Over time this can result in us lacking confidence with our looks or being unable to consume the foods we enjoy. Dentures fix some of these obstacles as they support our jaw and facial structure while promoting a new set of teeth that encourage us to smile.
Unsure if you need dentures? This blog highlights many of the indications and signs that your teeth are in need of being replaced with dentures.
Abstaining from routine dental appointments at Midland Family Dentistry
It is recommended that to maintain a generally positive oral health you should be visiting your family dentistry every 6 months at least.
While bi-annual appointments may appear too sparse for them to be effective, it is in these checkups where key dental practices are implemented. Cleanings, fluoride rinses and the range of dental services provided, allow your dentist to monitor and cleanse your gums and teeth.
Regular checkups also help detect oral health issues in their early stages. This is especially important for problems such as cavities that require a complete removal of the tooth itself and subsequently opens up the opportunity for dentures in replacement. Come to Midland family dentistry so we can help detect all of your small issues, before they turn into big ones.
Teeth Gaps
Your gums are the foundation of your teeth stability. That means that when your mouth is riddled with tooth gaps and teeth that shift with minimal force, it is a very clear indication of underlying gum damage or disease. Given these types of situations, dentures would be applied as a dentist would have to perform periodontal treatment to extract the loose teeth.
When tooth decay is spotted early, filling treatment can be used to heal the tooth and allow the regeneration of its nerves. In many cases of negligence, tooth decay can reach a severity where the central nervous system of the tooth has been affected and a continuous, overbearing pain sets in. In situations where tooth decay has progressed to the point of no return and its nerves are ruined, the affected teeth may need to be removed and replaced with dentures.
Missing Teeth
While they may be more similar to bones, your teeth sometimes function the same way muscles do. If you are missing teeth in crucial areas of the mouth, other teeth will take on additional stress to make up for the missing support. What happens is a cycle process of these supporting teeth picking up too much of the slack and damaging themselves to a point of removal. Then other teeth will stress themselves to support the newly removed teeth, and the cycle persists. That’s why it is important to fill in empty tooth gaps with dentures before your overall dental health is seriously impaired.
Can’t Chew Properly
Another function of teeth is to properly cut our food so that it can be properly digested. If you are feeling ongoing stomach pain and indigestion, this could be a result of sore teeth. When our teeth are sore, cracked or just can’t function to the best of their abilities, chunks of food can’t be broken down and we are left with large chunks that put strain on our stomach. Dentures replace these problem teeth and help return eating to the tolerable experience it should always be.
Midland Bay Dental – A Trusted Midland Family Dentistry Clinic
Remember to see a dentist at least twice a year and address any oral health problems as early as possible. At Midland Bay Dental, we’re prepared for problems that come in all shapes and sizes. Our team of experts are capable of performing a variety of dental care services to address any problems you may have. Conveniently located, Midland Bay Dental is a family dentistry clinic that takes care of its patients and community. Contact us to make an appointment today.
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