New Canada Dental Benefit Plan – What You Need to Know

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Many clients have been calling our Midland dentist office to ask about the new Canadian Dental Insurance Plan

The plan acknowledges the important role dentistry plays in our health while recognizing that about a third of Canadians do not have dental insurance. That means many avoid going to the dentist because of the cost. 

This is especially concerning for children with cavities or other problems with their teeth. Good dental hygiene is important for all ages, but it is particularly important to set up the good dental habit in children. That includes daily brushing and flossing, as well as regular visits to the dentist.

For that reason, the government has committed to a plan to provide dental care for uninsured Canadians with a family income of less than $90,000 annually. On September 22, 2022, the first step towards this plan was announced.

Canada Dental Benefit – Proposed Legislation Midland Dentist Office

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It is important to note that this is proposed legislation only – it needs to be approved by Parliament and receive Royal Assent. If passed, the first stage will cover:

  • Direct, up-front tax-free payments to cover dental expenses for children under 12 years old.
  • Expenses retroactive to October 1, 2022.

Available benefit amounts:

  • $650 per eligible child if the family’s adjusted net income is under $70,000.
  • $390 per eligible child if the family’s adjusted net income is between $70,000 and $79,999.
  • $260 per eligible child if the family’s adjusted net income is between $80,000 and $89,999.

Once enacted, parents will be able to apply for money upfront and apply to the dental services they are provided.

  • The child must not have access to private dental insurance coverage.
  • The benefit must be applied to dental services.
  • The applicant must provide the information required like the name of the dentist and the date of the appointment.
  •  They must also retain their bills/documentation to verify the expenses.

Applicants who provide false information, can’t provide receipts, or don’t use the money for dental care could face a maximum fine of $5,000.

How to Apply for the Canada Dental Benefit

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This is a new announcement, and there is no way to currently apply for the benefit. However, as noted, if passed, the benefits will be retroactive to dental services provided from October 1, 2022, and on.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Health Canada are working together to build an application process. It is believed that the benefit will be administered via the CRA My Account site.

To be prepared, it is advised that parents/families of eligible children:

  • Ensure they have filed their 2021 taxes.
  • Confirm access to a CRA My Account.
    Filing online will be the fastest way to apply for the benefit.
  • Check if they applied for the Canada Child Benefit (CCB).
  • Have Direct Deposit set up with the CRA
    Although not required, Direct Deposit is the fastest way to receive the benefit once approved.

For more details, see the Canada Dental Benefit site.

Please remember that at this time, this is proposed legislation only. We have done our best to summarize the details provided by the government, but there may be errors in our article or changes to the legislation.

Visit Midland Dentist Office, Midland Bay Dental, for Services Covered Under the Canadian Dental Benefit Plan

If you’re looking for a Midland dentist’s office, try Midland Bay Dental.

Dr. Ranny Sidhu and the team at Midland Bay Dental provide friendly, professional dental services for patients of all ages. 

Patient care is our priority – we only recommend treatment that is necessary to keep your teeth, gums, and body healthy over the long term. We understand how important dental health is to your overall health – especially for children. We will be happy to provide the documentation your family needs to receive the Canada Dental Benefit.

To book an appointment, contact us online or call our offices at (705) 526-6441.

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