Looking for a Dependable Dentist in Midland Ontario?

Looking for a Dependable Dentist in Midland Ontario?

If you are looking for a great, dependable, and friendly dentist Midland Ontario, you should visit Dr. Ranny Sidhu at...

TMJ Disorder and Teeth Grinding: Causes and Treatments

TMJ Disorder and Teeth Grinding: Causes and Treatments

As a Midland dentist, Dr. Ranny Sidhu sees patients who are suffering from jaw pain, or pain and tenderness around...

Ask Your Dentist in Midland: What is the Difference Between a Bridge and Partial Dentures?

Ask Your Dentist in Midland: What is the Difference Between a Bridge and Partial Dentures?

As a dentist in Midland Bay, Dr. Ranny Sidhu’s patients sometimes come in with missing teeth. With children, it’s to...

Searching for Friendly and Honest Dentists in Midland Ontario, Visit Midland Bay Dental!

Searching for Friendly and Honest Dentists in Midland Ontario, Visit Midland Bay Dental!

If you’re new to town and trying to find great dentists in Midland, Ontario, take a look at Midland Bay...

New Canada Dental Benefit Plan – What You Need to Know

New Canada Dental Benefit Plan – What You Need to Know

Many clients have been calling our Midland dentist office to ask about the new Canadian Dental Insurance Plan.  The plan...