The Importance of Vaccination

The Importance of Vaccination


The pandemic has impacted all Canadians to some degree, halting our economy, changing the way we interact with our friends and family, and pushing our healthcare system to the limit. Governments worldwide have had to implement harsh restrictions on our daily life in an effort to curb the spread of the virus. Things at our dental practice have changed over the last year too. We have been taking every necessary precaution to ensure the safety of our staff and our patients. Staggering appointments, screening questions, masks, sanitization, and temperature-taking are some of the ways we have attempted to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The opportunity for vaccination has arrived or will be arriving soon for many Canadians. Plenty of Canadians are excited to get the vaccine, but some remain hesitant to get the jab. So why is getting vaccinated such an important next step?

Why Is Getting The Vaccination So Important?

Getting vaccinated is an effective way to prevent spreading Covid-19 and reduce the impact of the virus should you catch it. Safe and effective vaccines can protect us and our loved ones from the virus and are an essential step on the journey to resuming a sense of normalcy in Canada. How do vaccines work? Vaccines assist your immune system, preparing you to fight Covid-19 if you are exposed. Once vaccinated, your risk of contracting covid-19 is lower and your chances of experiencing life-threatening symptoms are reduced.

Is It Safe to get the vaccination?

The government of Canada will only approve a vaccine that is deemed safe and effective. Canada is known for having incredibly high standards when it comes to reviewing and approving drugs and vaccines. The four vaccine options currently available to Canadians (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)) are all considered to be very safe and effective. You should feel a little apprehension about receiving your vaccine dose.

We Did It!

Dr. Ranny Sidhu and the rest of our dental team have all received our first dose of the vaccine – and we are celebrating it! At Midland Bay Dental, we believe that vaccination is a choice you should consider making to protect yourself, your family, and your community. Not everyone currently falls into the group currently allowed to receive the vaccine under rollout recommendations, but as the list continues to expand, you can schedule your vaccine appointment in Ontario, here

Dr. Ranny Sidhu and our team of dental professionals are here to help answer all of your questions and keep your teeth clean and healthy! If you would like to schedule a cleaning or a consultation, call us at 705- 526-6441 or book an appointment on our website.