Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Midland

Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Midland

If you need a wisdom teeth extraction in Midland, the professional and friendly team at Midland Bay Dental will work hard to help you understand the procedure, and put you at ease. For many people, the thought of tooth extractions – especially wisdom teeth extractions – can cause a lot of anxiety.

At Midland Bay Dental, we know how to ease your dental anxiety. We’ll explain the procedure – what happens, how long it takes, and provide you with options to make you more comfortable. When you need wisdom teeth extraction in Midland, you can count on us to make it as painless a process as possible.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to form in your mouth. We are typically born with primary teeth, or “baby teeth.” These teeth erupt (break through the gums) between the ages of 6 months and three years. Parents remember these times well, as babies go through sometimes painful teething periods.

In typical development, your jaw grows, and your baby teeth fall out and are replaced naturally by secondary teeth (also called “adult teeth” or “permanent teeth”) between the ages of 6 and 13. Many kids remember this time showing off their wiggly teeth, and regular visits from the tooth fairy.

Wisdom teeth, often called “third molars” usually arrive between the ages of 17 and 21. They come in at the back of your jaw. There are four in total – two on the top and two on the bottom. They are called wisdom teeth because they come in later in life when we are presumed to be wise.

While wisdom teeth are part of your permanent teeth, many teens or young adults have their wisdom teeth extracted. Wisdom teeth extraction is a routine procedure that can take as little as 30 minutes if the teeth are in a position that makes them simple to remove.

What are “Impacted” Wisdom Teeth?

If you are searching for wisdom teeth extraction in Midland, you may have been told you have impacted wisdom teeth. What does that mean?

Our jaws have limited space, and that means that sometimes there is simply no room for wisdom teeth to emerge. They become “impacted” or trapped within the jawbone or gums.

Or they may be “partially impacted,” meaning the tooth has broken through the gums, but there is not enough room to fully come in, meaning they can grow crooked or remain partially trapped in the gums.

Why Do Dentists Recommend Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

There are a number of reasons dentists will recommend wisdom teeth extraction in Midland. The most common reasons to remove wisdom teeth are:

  • Crowded teeth – even when wisdom teeth emerge, they can cause “crowding” of the teeth in your jaw, disrupting your bite, and making it more difficult to bite or chew.
  • Pain – impacted wisdom teeth or crowded teeth can cause pain in many of our patients – especially when eating. Wisdom teeth extraction removes the cause of the pain, allowing your teeth to rest more naturally in your jaw.
  • Infection or decay – impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth can create pockets for bacterial and food particles to rest, leading to infection, gum disease, and tooth decay.

What Happens During a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom teeth extraction in Midland can be handled in a few different ways.

  • Anesthetic – you can receive a local anesthetic to lessen the pain in the wisdom teeth area or a general anesthetic to be “knocked out” during the procedure. Most dentists recommend a local anesthetic – when you are fully sedated, you will feel groggy and will need a drive home after the extraction.
  • A number of teeth removed – your dentist may recommend all or just some of your teeth, depending on the condition of the teeth and your jaw.
  • How long will it take? This can depend on how many teeth are being removed, and whether or not they are impacted, requiring surgical removal, or if they can simply be pulled like other teeth that have fully formed.

Will Wisdom Tooth Extraction Be Painful?

Most patients feel discomfort during wisdom teeth extraction in Midland, but not a lot of pain. After the procedure, most people feel pain from bruising and swelling in the jaw. There may also be some minor bleeding, which can be wiped away with sterile gauze, and should stop on its own.

Your dentist can recommend ways to deal with the pain of wisdom tooth extraction, including over-the-counter or prescription pain medications, ice packs to reduce swelling, and avoiding crunchy or chewy foods.

For Professional Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Midland, Contact Midland Bay Dental

Dr. Ranny Sidhu is a trusted local dentist who always puts patient needs first. At Midland Bay Dental, we only ever recommend treatment we feel is absolutely necessary for the health of your teeth and gums. Should you need to have your wisdom teeth removed, Dr. Sidhu may be able to remove them in our dental clinic or can recommend a trusted dental surgeon in the Midland area. If you’re worried about your wisdom teeth, reach out to Midland Bay Dental – we’ll answer your questions, and work hard to ensure you have an affordable, pain-free experience.

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Crest.com – Wisdom Teeth Removal, Extraction & Surgery: https://crest.com/en-us/oral-care-tips/wisdom-teeth/wisdom-teeth-removal-extraction-surgery

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